23 Jan 2012

Life On Venus

Scientist Finds 'Living' Objects In Photographs Taken By 1982 Soviet Probe. An article, printed in the Solar System Research magazine, highlighted several objects said to resemble living beings, which were photographed by a Soviet landing probe in 1982.


The Venus-13 mission, which was launched in 1981 and boasted a craft and a lander, was designed to explore the surface of the planet. Its launch was followed closely by Venera-14. Both took four months to reach Venus, deploying parachutes once they had entered the atmosphere. Alongside pictures, the probes took surface samples and seismic readings.

Leonid Ksanfomaliti, a scientist at the Space Research Institute of Russia’s Academy of Sciences, has published research analysing the pictures from the probe, which he describes as a “black flap”, a “scorpion” and a “disk” that "emerge, fluctuate and disappear".

Huffington Post